Thursday, November 1, 2007

Election Day Is Coming

As we close in on Election Day you will be reminded time and time again of your obligation to vote and exercise a right that people have fought and died for and some still don’t have in parts of the world. I’m here to say you also have a right to stay on the sidelines and sit the election out because I understand why people are apathetic to the process which determines our leaders.

The biggest problem for many of us is trying to sort through all the campaign rhetoric and truly determine what is fact or faction and at some point the brain shuts down and just decides it can’t listen too or read anything else. Glance through your local newspaper and see how much space is devoted to elections for various offices. You have stories that are actually news, you have those that are simply campaign statements, you have charges and countercharges and then you have those wonderful letters to the editor which in some cases are just free ads.

If that’s not enough how about all the flyers that have found their way into your mailbox the last couple of weeks. I received so many yesterday the postman put a rubber band around them. I tend to have more of an interest than the average person so I’ll glance at most of these mailings. However how many people just open up their garbage can and toss away anything that has to do with politics.

Those that constantly scream about how you have to vote can’t accept that one of the big reasons why many don’t go to the polls is they can’t tell who is telling the truth and who is smiling while they lie to you. Some will say if you don’t vote you don’t have the right to complain and I felt that way for years but not any longer. By not voting you are sending a clear message that candidates did not inspire, influence or motivate you. Of course I also recognize that some people don’t care and nothing could get them to the polls and that’s just the way it is.

I continue to believe that at the end of the day there are choices and if you look hard there’s enough to separate candidates and one may appeal to you. But I also believe than an informed vote is better than one in which a person goes into the booth and hits whatever button happens to strike their fancy.

Vote next Tuesday if you want….it’s your right.

1 comment:

Brian Dowd said...

Total agree! Is is important that people vote, but make the vote based on the information at hand. The are many people who I talk to that either do not vote or when they do vote they vote for one party - without understanding what each person really stand for. It actually does not take long to read the paper or go online to get this information. I hope next Tuesday people make an informed decision.

The countdown is on for 2008 Presidential election so start reading up now.