Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Friday, January 28

I have always feared the day when I sat down at my computer to write this segment and found myself staring at the screen with my fingers resting on the keys and not moving. Today is that day although I have to find a way to fill my allotted time.
Of course when you have nothing to say you can always fall back on the weather and that is certainly been a hot (or cold) topic lately. However do you need to hear any more about what you already know? Parts of the shore have already received 50 plus inches of snow, predictions call for more storms in February and spring is still 52 days away. Enough about the weather.

This is a terrible time of year when it comes to sports. Let’s face it the football season is over because the Super Bowl is not a game but an event. For those of you who need a fix there is the Pro Bowl Sunday night from Hawaii but that’s like watching a touch football game. As for the NBA & NHL…well those are really playoff sports and with the exception of a few games nobody really gets excited until the post-season begins. I love college basketball but the best time for that sport is called “March Madness” and we haven’t even gotten to February yet.
While it makes for a nice thought the whole “pitchers and catchers” thing with baseball doesn’t mean that much to me and as a Mets fan what do I really have to look forward to? Maybe they’ll surprise me.

For those who follow local sports you do have the Shore Conference Wrestling Tournament which will begin tonight and then end on Saturday. The Shore Conference Basketball Tournament gets underway in mid-February and there will be plenty of state tournament action at the Poland Spring Arena in March. Enough about sports.

The news itself is just about always depressing and you don’t need to hear me pontificate…I’ll leave that up to the Governor.

I will say this…it’s been a great year for movies and now that the Academy Award nominations are out I strongly suggest you catch some of them. The Fighter, The King’s Speech, The Social Network and 127 Hours are all tremendous and include some incredible performances well worth the price of admission. As a matter of fact…..I have to stop here; it seems I’m out of time.

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